Time Management Tips For Artists With Families And Jobs
There's a misconception that you cannot get ahead in the art world with kids. There's another misconception that you're not a successful...
Welcome to my educational, informative, inspiring, and sometimes downright quirky art blog! If you like art and design, stopping in for a lunch break might just be what you need.
Time Management Tips For Artists With Families And Jobs
Purposeful Procrastination
20 Quotes That Will Boost Your Art Career.
Plein Air Tips and Tricks
The Golden Rule of Achieving Your Goals
Christmas Shopping the Right Way for Creatives
8 Rules for using Tonalism in Interior Design
5 Things You Didn't Know About Buying Art
The Fine Art of Art Framing
6 Ways to Bring Art Into Your Home
Meaning of Art vs Meaningful Art
Renting Art 101
Art and Interior design - a wholistic approach